Manual Testing

Manual Testing is a type of software testing in which test cases are executed manually by a tester without using any automated tools. The purpose of Manual Testing is to identify the bugs, issues, and defects in the software application. Manual software testing is the most primitive technique of all testing types and it helps to find critical bugs in the software application.

Any new application must be manually tested before its testing can be automated. Manual Software Testing requires more effort but is necessary to check automation feasibility. Manual Testing concepts does not require knowledge of any testing tool. One of the Software Testing Fundamental is "100% Automation is not possible". This makes Manual Testing imperative.

Types of Manual Testing:

Below given diagram depicts Manual Testing Types. In fact, any type of software testing type can be executed both manually as well using an automation tool.

Procedure adopted for manual testing

  1. Read and understand the software project documentation/guides. Also, study the Application Under Test (AUT) if available.
  2. Draft Test cases that cover all the requirements mentioned in the documentation.
  3. Review and baseline the test cases with Team Lead, Client (as applicable)
  4. Execute the test cases on the AUT
  5. Report bugs
  6. Once bugs are fixed, again execute the failing test cases to verify they pass.